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The Mongo return a unique instance of Mongo. It content a list of methods that help write in mongo DB.



getAgentByIdentifier: Return the agent by Identifer. type:Object

getAgentByName: Like getAgentByIdentifier but by name. type:Object

updateAgentByName: Update agente by name. type:Boolean

updateAgentByIdentifier: update agent by identifier. type:Boolean

insertAgent: Create a new agent in a swarm by your identifier. type:String:Identifier

endAgent: Finish their execution. type:Boolean

getAgentsBySwarmIdentifier: Get agents in swar my identifier. type:List:Object

getAgentQuery: Generic. type:List

getAgentsActiveBySwarm: Only active agents in swarm by identifier. type:List

getAgentsEndWellBySwarm: Return a list with agents that end well. type:List


insertUser: Create a new user. type:String:Identifier

updateUserInformation: Updat the email and date of user. type:Boolean

getUsersQuery: Generic. type:List

removeUsers: Remove user from mongo db. type:Boolean


getStreetByIdOSM: Return the first street by identifier. type:Object

getStreetByName: Return the first street by street name. type:Object

updateStreetById: Update the street with id identifier. type:Boolean

getStreetQuery: Generic. type:List


insertWishList: Insert a wish List that is a street that pretend visit. type:Boolean

removeWishList: Remove a wish List by query. type:Boolean

getWishListById: get wishList by id. type:Object


insertSwarm: Insert a new swart at database . type:String:Identifier

getSwarmByIdentifier: Return the first object with identifier . type:Object

updateSwarmByIdentifier: update the swarm by identifier. type:Boolean

countOneToMapsSwarmByIdentifer: Sum (increments) one at num_map_api_request attribute.

getMapsCounterSwarmByIdentifer: Get the num_map_api_request value. type:Integer

setMapsCounterSwarmByIdentifer: Set the value to num_map_api_request has default.


addLog: add log in a swarm id. type:Boolean


updateWishById: update the wish by id. type:Object

getWishListByIdentifier: update the wish List by Identifier. type:List

getWishListNoProccessedByIdentifier: return only the streets in wishList not processed. type:List

updateWishListById: Upodat the wish list with data. type:Boolean


insertGraffiti: Insert a graffiti in mongodb. type:String:Identifier