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The graphium return a instance of Graphium. It is a Dic with many configs what you can see inside the directory data/configs/


config : the metadata of configuration has default. The file data/configs/graphium.json is load to system.type:Dic

Keys inside attribute config:

    "path_root": "<PATH>/kootstrap/",


mongodb : the metadata of mongoDB used has default. The file data/configs/mongodb.json is load to system. type:Dic

Keys inside attribute Mongod:


osm : the metadata of Open Street Map used has default. The file data/configs/osm.json is load to system. type:Dic

Keys inside attribute OSM:

  "use_urban_ways": true,
  "use_motorways": true,
  "urban_highway_tipes": ["tertiary", "road", "residential", "service", "living_street", "pedestrian", "bus_guideway", "steps","secondary", "trunk", "primary"],
  "motorways_highway_tipes": ["motorway", "escape"],
  "others_highway_tipes": ["track"]

swarm : the metadata of Swarm used has default. The file data/configs/swarm.json is load to system. type:Dic

Keys inside attribute Swarm:

  "swarm_turns": 3,
  "swarm_cycles": -1,
  "swarm_agent_names_API": "",
  "swarm_agent_names": ["Coralina Malaya","Abigail Johnson","Antonietta Marinese","Elisa Rogoff","Serafim Folkerts", "Dulce Barrell"],
  "swarm_agent_colors": ["#E91E63", "#9C27B0", "#F44336", "#673AB7", "#3F51B5", "#2196F3", "#00BCD4", "#009688", "#4CAF50", "#CDDC39", "#FF9800","#795548","#FF5722","#607D8B","#9E9E9E","#827717"]

gmaps : the metadata of google street maps used has default. The file data/configs/gmaps.json is load to system. type:Dic

Keys inside attribute Gmap:

{ "width": 640, "height": 450, "google_key": "AIzaSyB6_XPVntnTJHG9jN9OrO11ou8GEV77qOM", "limit_maps_by_day": 25000 }

scissor : the metadata of scissor used has default. The file data/configs/scissor.json is load to system. type:Dic

Keys inside attribute Scissor:


oracle : the metadata of oracle used has default. The file data/configs/oracle.json is load to system. type:Dic

Keys inside attribute Oracle:

    "model_name": "20170821191051"

analytics : the metadata of analytics used has default. The file data/configs/analytic.json is load to system. type:Dic

Keys inside attribute Analytics:

    "time_between_analises": 120


path_config: Return absolute path to configurations of koopstrap. type:String

path_log: Return absolute path to logs of system. type:String

path_dataset: Return absolute path to all datasets. type:String

path_model: Return absolute path to all models. type:String

path_picture: Return absolute path to all images on directory. type:String

version: Return version of koopstrap. type:String