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Definition allow commands to read or change data from execution or configuration


args: argparse. type:argparse


start: Read --rake args params and execute command.

list_city: List all cities was upload after.

swarm_list: List all swarms in database.

swarm_active: List only swarms active.

swarm_shutdown: Command to shutdowm all swarms that is online.

swarm_erase: ERASE all information about swarms, agents, logs e graffiti.

agent_erase: ERASE all agents information in database.

list_street: List all street in database.

list_config: List configuration in /data/configs/*.json files

log_erase: Remove all files *.log in /data/logs/

session_list: Print information about key usage.

graffiti_list: List all graffiti

graffiti_erase: ERASE all graffiti in database.